That treatment that heals, rejuvenates, stimulates collagen production and helps encourage hair growth.
We all have platelets in our blood. PRP is 3-step procedure that involves having your blood:
Drawn from your arm
Placed into a machine that separates the platelets from the rest of your blood
Re-injected into you (only the part of your blood that contains a high concentration of platelets).
For years Orthopedic surgeons use PRP to help athletes recover more quickly after an injury.
PRP is a great treatment for hair loss, to speed up wound healing, joint pain, arthritis and for the face for younger-looking skin.
If you have PRP to treat signs of aging on your skin, here’s what to expect:
Blood drawn: You would have a small amount of blood (about 2 to 4 tablespoons) drawn from your arm.
Blood taken to lab: The test tube containing your blood would be placed in a medical device called a centrifuge, which separates your blood into layers. One of these layers contains a high concentration of platelets.
Blood injected: we then inject the blood that contains the high concentration of platelets into your face or scalp, using a syringe or microneedling (device that looks like a lint roller with tiny needles sticking out of it).
The entire procedure takes about 45 minutes to one hour.
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